Shelly's Market has closed, and will be missed. Thanks must go to Shelly, and before her, Billy and Judy, for their merchantile endeavors!
Surely there exists a merchant on the horizon

who has the vision and finances to reshape a merchandise mix that would fit this valuable void in Lipan. However, I just don't see sufficient traffic without selling fuel. At some point, Pak-a-Sak's owners may need to remodel and expand its offering.
In the mean time, the City council ought to endorse a modest Main Street beautification and zoning project that would cause more eyeballs and pocketbooks to trade their essential shopping needs in Lipan Country.

A place to lead by example might be the unkempt appearance and neglected "curb appeal" of City Hall. I know how this happens. The mayor, employees, and council members likely come in the back door, and don't notice what the patrons and passersby see out front.
Not trying to meddle . . . .just say'in! Best wishes to Shelly.