Saturday, June 24, 2006

LISD Names Superintendent Finalist, William Stokes

The Hood County News reports in today's paper that William Stokes has been selected by the Lipan School Board as the new superintendent. Mr. Stokes, age 51, recently retired with 26 years of experience leading 3 different school districts in Oklahoma. He and his wife Carol have one son who attends OSU. This spring Stokes retired from the Boswell school district in Choctaw County in SE part of the state just east of Durant. From the internet it appears Boswell High enrolls about 140 students. The Lipan Board will make the appointment official in mid July after the required 21 day exposure period for the name of the finalist.

We will look forward to getting to know Mr. Stokes. He will come to know Lipan Country as a community of great promise and appreciation of excellent team work. Also, its no little known fact that Garrison Keillor might say, "Lipan is where all the women are beautiful, all the men are good looking and all the children are above average!" Welcome to Lipan Country, home of the Lipan Indians!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

2 horizontal gas well permits approved on east side of Lipan

The Texas Railroad Commission has approved two Chief/Devon drilling permits on the Ator Lease in central Lipan Country, on the south side of Hwy 4 and along the west side of the Gas Plant Road. Chief indicates the drilling is scheduled in late August and early September.

Burn ban in effect for Hood County

Hood County Fire Marshall 817-579-3335.

Monday, June 05, 2006

First Saturday Bluegrass Jam Session well attended.

Shelly's Market was unusually packed this past Saturday. John Pronk's DMNews article certainly stirred-up interest in this fun free entertainment. Shelly and Pam's food and hospitality continues to encourage this Lipan original first begun by Billy Green. LHS's multi-talented senior, Wesley Holtsford, brought both his fiddle and guitar! After hearing about Lipan's monthly music fest for over a year, Frank and Jean Williams from Winchester, Tennessee, stopped by to enjoy the "goings on." Frank even had a small, but genuine, gift for Pam and Shelly from the hills above the Williams Cove back home!

Thursday, June 01, 2006