Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lipan ISD Board Sets its Performance Goals With the Superintendent

On February 20th, the Lipan school board adopted these key Performance Goals asking superintendent William Stokes to focus his efforts toward their accomplishment.

1. Finance

  • a. Establish a fund balance that meets the state optimum level. Time frame - 2-3 yrs. (See blog note below)

  • b. Develop strategies to provide for the routine upgrade of equipment in the areas of Child Nutrition, Technology and Transportation. Other areas as determined by the Superintendent.

2. Academic

  • a. Maintain current TEA accountability rating of Recognized; work diligently to earn rating of Exemplary. (Note: To maintain it's current "recognized" rating, the district will have to improve its current performance since the rating threshold moves upward every two years until 2014.)

  • b. Develop curriculum guides(s) for distribution to parents and students and to be posted on the district's website.

3. Physical Plant

  • a. Successfully complete the High School renovation.

  • b. Successfully complete the High School addition.

  • c. Successfully complete the shell replacement of the burned building.

  • d. Successfully complete construction of dressing rooms/coaches' offices/concession area and public restrooms in gym area.

  • e. Work with architects and other professionals to determine the scope of work and revenue required to complete the new gym. This should include stop-gap measures to stabilize the building and prevent further damage by weather and other sources.

  • f. Continue to work on landscaping and overall appearance of the campus.

4. Community Relations

5. Board Relations

  • a. Provide weekly update memos.

  • b. Develop a Board calendar of work and administrative procedures handbook.

6. Other

  • a. Continue work to improve the Child Nutirtion Program.

  • b. Develop strategies to recruit and train additional substitute teachers and bus drivers.


Note: The school's audited available fund balance at 8/31/2006 was only 1/4th of what the state recommends. Having navigated tumultous storms the past 5 years, the trustees are right in placing the District's Fund Balance at the top of the Performance Goals.