Saturday, July 29, 2006

Will Lipan ISD benefit from higher property appraisals? Will the trustees budget any increase in General Fund "Unrestricted Fund Balance" to . . .

. . .communicate to the Superintendent and staff their requirement to recover the school's still weak financial position over some specific time period? Or, will the many pent-up needs this year be too pressing to address future stability? Any initiative will come from the Board because a new superintendent will rightly be focused on the immediate needs that suport the classroom. See blog viewpoint from this past spring.

Hood County School Property Tax Appraisals Announced:

*Lipan ISD $77,100,000 vs. $68,700,000 previous year. $8,400,000 increase @ $1.50 per $100 = $126,000. Given the state funding formulas, what will be the real increase in revenue to LISD for the upcoming school year which begins September 1st?

*Tolar ISD $114,800,00 vs. $86,900,000.

*Granbury ISD $3.14 billion vs. $2.72 billion.

Total County values $3.35 billion, up $510 million. That increase includes $128 million from the new natual gas business values at Jan 1, 2006.

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